4 Supplements that Support Energy

by Melissa Chichester

What do you think of when you hear the word, “energy?” Maybe it’s something you don’t have enough of but wish you did. Maybe it’s something you gave up having a long time ago. Maybe “energy” feels impossible to find. 

It doesn’t take much to deplete natural energy reserves. Diet and a lack of exercise play a role, but so do life events. Expending mental energy may not seem like physical work, but it has an impact on your body. Mental fatigue is as real as physical fatigue, and stress impacts your energy levels. 

Sustained energy requires making healthy actions a part of your everyday life. Although increasing and maintaining energy levels does not have a one-size-fits-all solution, there are some supplements that help support energy.*

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Vitamin B-12 

Vitamin B-12 is a water-soluble vitamin that is part of the B-complex family. It plays a role in energy metabolism and is found in foods such as beef, chicken, eggs, salmon, and other animal meats.* Many foods are also fortified with Vitamin B-12, such as cereal and grains.

Vitamin B-12 also essential for the normal formation of blood cells, contributes to the health of the nervous system, and helps maintain circulatory health.*

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You probably already associate ubiquinol with heart health, since it is the most common form of Co Q-10 found in the body.* Ubiquinol is the active form of Co Q-10 that helps fight free radicals.* In addition, ubiquinol acts as a key component in our mitochondria, which supports energy production.*

Ubiquinol is also needed for the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is the energy our body cells use every single day.*

Plus, ubiquinol is involved in energy production at the cellular level.* In food, sardines, pork, beef, and poultry are all sources of ubiquinol. 


German chemist Ernst Schulze discovered arginine in 1886 inside of yellow lupin seeds.  L-arginine is a classic amino acid that can serve as a source of energy, and is involved in various pathways throughout the body.* It is commonly used as an ingredient in pre-workout supplements because of the role it plays in stimulating nitric oxide (NOS) production.*

Arginine also plays a role in the formation of creatine, which is involved in the energy transfer between skeletal muscles.*

Foods that are high in L-arginine include lamb, soybeans, cashews, eggs, milk, shrimp, walnuts, raisins, chicken, and corn. 

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We know this one needs no introduction. While caffeine is naturally present in tea and coffee, it is also available as a supplement.

Caffeine works with your neural system and normal metabolic processes to provide its beneficial effects.*

Plus, it helps assist with mental focus.* No wonder 85% of adults in the U.S. consume caffeinated beverages when they wake up in the morning! 

If you regularly lack energy, it is important to speak with your healthcare practitioner to rule out an underlying issue. A well-rounded diet and lifestyle of regular exercise, adequate sleep, and a nutritious diet are the best ways to support your energy, while some nutritional supplements can help fill in nutritional gaps.*