Better Together: Vitamin D and Magnesium 

by Melissa Chichester

Like summertime and lemonade, some things in life are just better together.

The same can be said for certain nutrients your body needs to maintain good health and wellness. One of those pairings is Vitamin D and magnesium. 

How Vitamin D and magnesium work together

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin. It can be obtained through diet, but it is challenging. That’s why it’s so important for Vitamin D to be synthesized in the skin upon exposure to sunlight. Another convenient way to help receive this crucial nutrient is with Vitamin D supplements. This is especially important for people who live in northern climates and have trouble getting enough sunlight. 

The health benefits of Vitamin D, including support for immune health as well as healthy bones and teeth, are well-documented.*

However, it’s not as well-known that a very important mineral – magnesium – plays a role in activating Vitamin D in two distinct ways. 

#1: Magnesium is involved in converting Vitamin D from the form we get in food, supplements, and the sun into its storage form. 

#2. Then, magnesium plays a separate role in converting Vitamin D from its storage form to its active form. The active form delivers Vitamin D’s essential benefits.* That’s why Vitamin D and magnesium balance is critical for maintaining immune system health.* 

The benefits of these nutrients working together don’t stop there. Vitamin D and magnesium play important roles in bone health.*

Vitamin D assists in calcium absorption while magnesium helps to regulate calcium transport.*

In addition, magnesium is also one of the primary structural components of bone and plays a role in more than 300 enzymatic reactions in the body.*

Vitamin D With Magnesium provides both nutrients in optimal forms to improve bioavailability. D3 is a more bioavailable form than D2, and magnesium citrate is a more bioavailable form compared to other forms such as magnesium oxide. Daily supplementation can contribute to optimal health benefits for both nutrients.

>>Shop Vitamin D3 With Magnesium

Food sources of magnesium

Magnesium is available in many different types of foods, including spinach, black beans, potatoes, peanuts, brown rice, chicken breast, pumpkin seeds, avocado, raw cashews, edamame, and whole wheat bread. 

Are you missing out on magnesium? Check out our magnesium supplements here.

Food sources of Vitamin D 

Food sources of Vitamin D are much more limited than magnesium. However, Vitamin D can be found in fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, and sardines, and fish liver oils. Many people do not have access to fresh seafood – or they don’t like the taste of it. In this instance, Vitamin D supplements can help. 

Consuming food is the best way to receive nutrients. However, supplements like Vitamin D With Magnesium can help fill in the gaps.