What to Know About Refrigerating Supplements

by Melissa Chichester

While maintaining a healthy lifestyle, supplements play a role in filling nutritional gaps and supporting overall well-being.

However, the efficacy of these supplements depends on proper storage.

While many supplements can be stored at room temperature, certain types require refrigeration to maintain their potency and effectiveness.

Supplements, like any other consumable product, are subject to degradation over time. Factors such as heat, light, moisture, and air exposure can accelerate this process, potentially reducing the effectiveness of the active ingredients.

For this reason, manufacturers provide specific storage instructions to ensure consumers receive the maximum benefit from their products.

Key factors influencing supplement stability include:

  • Temperature: High temperatures can cause chemical reactions that degrade active ingredient
  • Moisture: Humidity can lead to the growth of mold and bacteria, and can also cause tablets and capsules to break down
  • Light: Ultraviolet (UV) light can alter the chemical structure of some ingredients
  • Air: Exposure to oxygen can lead to oxidation, which can compromise the integrity of certain vitamins and compounds

These factors are why supplements should be stored in a cool and dry location. Some supplements even require refrigeration.

Supplements that may benefit from refrigeration

Not all supplements need to be stored in the refrigerator, but some categories are more sensitive to environmental conditions and thus require cooler storage. The most common types of supplements that benefit from refrigeration include probiotics, certain vitamins, and some liquid formulations.

1. Probiotics

Probiotics are live microorganisms referred to as “good” or “beneficial” bacteria, that support a healthy gut.* They are found in fermented foods and are also available in supplement form.

Probiotics are particularly sensitive to temperature and moisture.

The live bacteria in probiotic supplements can start to die off if exposed to heat, which reduces the number of viable bacteria. This reduces the effectiveness of the supplement.

Refrigeration helps maintain the viability and stability of these live cultures by slowing down their metabolic processes.

Storage tips for probiotics:

  • Follow label instructions: Always adhere to the storage recommendations provided on the product label
  • Refrigerate after opening: Even if the probiotic does not explicitly require refrigeration before opening, it is often a good practice to refrigerate it after opening to extend its shelf life
  • Avoid frequent temperature changes: Minimize the frequency of taking the supplement in and out of the refrigerator to prevent condensation and moisture buildup.

>>Probiotics for Beginners: Support Your Gut Health

2. Vitamins

Depending on the conditions of your home or the formulation of the supplement, certain vitamins may require refrigeration, including:

  • Vitamin C: This vitamin is prone to oxidation when exposed to air and light. Refrigeration can help slow down this process.
  • Vitamin B-12: Some forms of Vitamin B-12, such as methylcobalamin, are more stable when kept at cooler temperatures

Vitamins like C and B-12 can degrade quickly if not stored properly. Refrigeration provides a stable, cool environment that minimizes the risk of degradation.

3. Liquid Supplements

Liquid formulations are often more susceptible to bacterial growth and oxidation. Refrigeration helps slow the oxidation process, ensuring the supplement remains effective for longer.

Liquid supplements to consider storing in the fridge include:

  • Fish oil: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are prone to oxidation
  • Aloe vera juice: Contains active compounds that can degrade quickly at room temperature
  • Herbal tinctures: Some plant-based extracts maintain their potency better when refrigerated

If you live in a humid environment

Living in a humid environment presents unique challenges for supplement storage. High humidity can lead to moisture absorption, which may degrade the supplement. For those living in such climates, refrigeration becomes even more crucial.

Practical storage tips for humid environments

  • Use airtight containers: Store supplements in airtight containers to protect them from moisture and humidity
  • Avoid bathroom storage: Bathrooms are often humid due to showers and baths
  • Regular checks: Periodically check your supplements for signs of moisture or degradation
  • Keep supplements in their original containers: Manufacturers design supplement containers to protect the contents from light, air, and moisture
  • Store in a cool, dry place: A cool, dry environment is ideal for most supplements
  • Minimize light exposure: Some supplements, particularly those sensitive to light, should be stored in dark or opaque containers

Regardless of the type of supplement, adhering to general storage best practices will help maintain their effectiveness and extend their shelf life.

Puritan’s Pride® products that don’t state refrigeration is required are stable at room temperature conditions in temperature climatic zones. Room temperature conditions are below 25 degrees Celsius (or 77 degrees Fahrenheit) and 60% relative humidity.  

Proper storage of supplements is essential to ensure their potency and effectiveness. While not all supplements require refrigeration, some may benefit greatly from cooler temperatures – such as probiotics, some vitamins, and specific liquid formulations. Living in a humid environment further emphasizes the need for careful storage practices to prevent degradation and contamination.